Friday, September 20, 2013

1st Adjustment of Braces


Well I went back to the orthodontist for my first adjustment of my braces yesterday.  They applied 1 gauge higher tensile strength wire on my top teeth and 2 gauges higher on my bottom teeth.  Here is a website I found that explains the importance of the wire: All About Arch Wires.  It was sore yesterday after the adjustment, but really the pain started when I woke up this morning.  It feels like my whole lower jaw is swollen, to the point where I feel like it should be obvious to everyone I meet. Of course I cannot see a difference in a mirror so there is no way that anyone else can tell, but I just want to wrap my whole face in ice and stop pretending that I am a normal person today... but that won't pay the bills!

Did I mention that they placed some composite material on my molars with the braces application in July? If not...they had placed a little composite material on my molars so that with my night grinding (bruxism) I would grind away the composite and not my tooth enamel (one of the reasons most people with TMJ disorders wear night guards). Well apparently I had managed to wear it away significantly (grad school= increase stress = more night grinding) so they added a lot more composite to my molars.  I know this sounds great in theory, but the composite material is all that can touch now, so its like have 2 pencil points that prop my teeth apart and my mouth open. Which brings me back to eating, one of my favorite hobbies and something I can no long do :(  Can you imagine trying to chew food with a pen tip? So needless to say I am really bummed to be back on a liquid/no chew diet.  Looks like I'm headed to the grocery store to stock back up on yogurt, mashed potatoes, protein powder, and pureed soups.

Now after I've complained enough, I did get some good news from the Orthodontist!  I asked if it still looked like we were on track to schedule my jaw surgery next fall (2014).  My reason for asking is that I graduate in May and I would really like to give my new employer a heads up that I will need to take some time off for the surgery.  And Dr R said that every mouth is different . . .*usual spiel*. . . BUT that there was a chance I could be ready for surgery in the Summer or even maybe May!  Which means surgery sooner, braces off sooner, new pain-free life sooner!!! My response was that if it was possible for him to crank on my teeth harder now I would take more pain today to get it all over quicker...unfortunately it doesn't work that way. But I left his office feeling a renewed sense of hope and optimism for my future life!
Here's an (unattractive) but upward view of my teeth as closed as they can get... which is to say not at all :(

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