So with my goal of pizza in mind (some days its the small things). I am really trying to start moving my jaw a little more. I am still on a no chewing diet, but "no chewing" has expanding to scrambled eggs for breakfast and oatmeal for lunch with protein shakes and yogurt in there to ensure I am getting enough nutrients. The only exceptions are the baby food Puffs and mini marshmallows that I use practice chewing at the end of my meals. I can't mange that many pieces of either before I get tired; also I think I am chewing on the insides of my cheeks as much as I am the food (the insides are still numb and my body can't tell the difference between itself and food). But I figure the only way I am going to get these muscles stronger is if I use them, so I'm trying.
I eat mainly with either drinking or using those espresso paddles I found on but it is really hard to balance a semi-solid food like eggs on the little bitty surface. So I tried something a little different this morning and I ate my scrambled eggs with chopsticks! I've never been particularly good with chopsticks, but normally I can manage to eat sushi without (completely) embarrassing myself. They worked! Well I should say that they worked really well for the bigger pieces, which actually sped up my eating time this morning, since I didn't have to keep cutting up pieces smaller until I could place them on the paddles. I had some difficulty when I got to just the small pieces, but maybe its just a chopstick skill I can develop? Either way I'm treating it like a small victory and I am picking up another pair of chopsticks on my way home from work!
Feeling a little extra swollen today; Can you tell? |
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