Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 15: A Straw!

Today I was able to successfully use a straw! It was easier with a mirror, but I was able to purse my lips enough to form a seal around the straw.  In the end, it isn't super convenient yet because as soon as I get the beverage into my mouth it abruptly runs into my teeth.  I do not have quite the motor control yet to hold my teeth apart (the slightly apart the rubber bands allow) and still form a seal around the straw, but its a step forward!  By the way, I am doing my facial exercises multiple times a day and they are getting progressively less painful.  The muscles are still stiff and reluctant to move, but it is getting a little better every day.

To further progress my return to real life, I went to the gym today. Don't worry, I just sat my butt down in a recumbent bike for 20 mins. AND felt exhausted afterwards! I always tell my post-op patients that muscle atrophy and aerobic deconditioning are normal following surgery and rest, but it is really difficult to accept when I'm on the other side. I am still a little shocked at the effort it took me to reach the 20 min mark...I was running several miles just 3 weeks ago!

Day 15. You can see my left cheekbone!

Below, I marked where I have numbness and sensation loss.  The yellow is coming back the quickest and feels like its just dulled sensation now.  The Orange is all pins and needles to the lightest touch. The Red is completely absent to light & firm pressure and hot/cold sensation, which is part of the reason why drinking from a cup is difficult!

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